Hi Miranda, tell us a little bit about yourself!
Hi my name is Miranda. I have a great affinity for going on adventures and trying new things. The roles of wife, mother, veteran, RN, linguist, artist, YouTube painter, business owner, photographer and many others, have given me a variety of new experiences. I love sharing these with others.

When did you first begin creating dot mandala art? What inspire you to become an artist?
I started painting stones at a very young age with my cousin and sister. Our family would take us on vacations near water in the summer. Rocks and time were abundant. Whenever the opportunity arose, I took classes in every craft possible. From architectural drawing to pointillism to photography ,nothing was off limits. I had an art teacher when I was in middle school tell me that I had no imagination for art and she gave me my first ever "C" in academics. It was a bit of a blow to the stomach but I never gave up art. I also never wanted other people to feel the way that I did at that moment. Around 2011 I picked up pointillism again and painting with dots. I was just creating pieces to give as gifts but soon some local shops picked up wanting to purchase them and Etsy was in full bloom, so I began selling my work. It was really an amazing blessing to see my painted stones and other items traveling all over the world. This movement has now really blossomed with the addition of my Youtube channel and my own website. I have kind of adopted the "Ratatouille philosophy" of "anyone can cook" and applied it to art. Anyone can create beautiful things! Sometimes we just need a little encouragement.

How would you describe your style?
In the beginning, I started off with the dot mandalas because I needed something orderly in my life. Something that would stay that way... organized and neat. But now it has evolved more into kind of a free flow, see where your piece takes you mentality. I usually start in the center, pick some general colors that I would like to use, and then just explore whatever canvas I have that day.

What is your main media and why?
My main media still remains paint and stones. I love searching for stones on the beach and that exhilarating feeling of finding the perfect stone. It is also something that my family comes with me to do.It really warms my heart to see my children running up with something they found for me to paint or if they have found their own exciting treasure that they want to share.

What advice do you have for beginner artists?
I would say do not be so hard on yourself. Many of us get misled striving for perfection instead of just enjoying the experience. There will never be the perfect tool, the perfect alignment, the perfect paint, the perfect piece, but there CAN be perfect PEACE.

What is your favorite part about the creative process?
The calming peace that the creative process brings me is inexplicable.Then it is such a blessing to have the ability to be able to share this with others, so they can have their own experience in tranquility. 

Tell us an interesting fact about your art!
Anyone can create it and I encourage them to do so. If this past year has taught me anything, it has been that we really need to encourage one another, strengthen one another and share in community with one another. I adore painting and I want others to enjoy it as much as I do. 


 YOUTUBE:  ​Miranda Pitrone Art -
INSTAGRAM: @mirandapitrone_art - 


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