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From running colors to accidentally-mixed paints, watercolor is a tough art form to master. Every watercolor artist understands this and has their own techniques to maximize their materials and create great pieces of art.
Whether you’re a seasoned watercolor artist or just picked up your first set, here are some techniques you should know to help you elevate your art and maximize your materials.
Watercolor paper can be expensive, but it’s an investment that will keep you from constant disappointment. When water is added to paper, the paper can warp, tear, or just fall apart. This is especially true when using printer or looseleaf paper since they are very thin and flimsy. Regardless of the quality of your paints or brushes, you’ll never be satisfied with your painting if you’re using cheap paper.
Genuine watercolor paper is specially formulated with a specific thickness and texture to make the most out of your watercolor creations with minimal damage. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to go and buy the most expensive watercolor paper you can find. Instead, on our website, you can find our Premium Watercolor Paper Pad - click here to learn more!
Art is a calming and fun process and, for many, is a great way to pass the time. Why do you think so many professional artists spent their time in school doodling? However, watercolor adds a whole other element to the artistic process - patience, and patience that can be easily tested no matter how experienced you are. Every watercolor artist has tried to paint over a layer that wasn’t completely dry at least once, and every time it leads to disaster. When you paint over a layer that isn’t completely dry, paints can start to run.
Suddenly, you’re dabbing away at the paints to try to keep them from mixing together or, worse, running down your entire painting and destroying your creation. Patience is a virtue of watercolor painting, and if it’s one you personally struggle with, consider investing in a heating tool. Don’t hold the heating tool over the painting for too long, though, as overheating can curl the edges of your paper or even damage it.
Another incredibly common mistake for watercolor painters is the mixing of paints, also known as “muddying.” Without the proper preparation or attention, your beautiful blue sky can turn into a muddy gray right before your eyes. How do you avoid this? Well, you could start with making sure to have at least two water cups for your brushes. One is used to clean the brush, while the other is filled with clean water to give you a fresh base for your next set of brush strokes.
To avoid this step completely, however, head over to our website for our Watercolor Brush Pens. Each set comes with 20 different pens with removable caps and flexible nylon brush tips, so you can create beautiful watercolor art pieces with none of the preparation or clean-up. Click here to learn more!
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As we mentioned before, watercolor painting is a very relaxing process that takes plenty of patience. However, if you move too slow, the end result of your piece can be far from what you expected it to be. Painting too slow can lead to many different issues with your piece. If the section you’re working on dries too quickly, you can be left with hard lines, streaks, and subpar color blends.
This is especially true depending on the climate you live in. For humid climates such as Florida, you’ll have to practice patience much more than speed, as it’ll take longer for your paints to dry. With drier climates such as Arizona, you’ll have to practice your speed to keep your paints from drying too fast and ruining your art.
It may take a few tries, but eventually, you’ll have a rhythm worked out.
Sometimes, all you want to do is just get home, immediately sit down, and begin creating your artistic vision. However, with timing being such an important part of the watercolor process, it’s imperative to prepare before you start painting. Make sure to have each of your supplies and materials ready to go before you begin. The last thing you want to do in the middle of a piece is to stop painting to get more water or wet a color.
Rather, take five minutes beforehand to get your water ready, set up your brushes, organize your palette, wet all the colors you need to use, etc., and you’ll be amazed at how stress-free the whole process will be.
To make that preparation even simpler, click here to check out our 48 Color Premium Watercolor Palette, featuring its own protective metal case that doubles as a handheld palette!
No one is perfect. No matter what techniques you know or how much you prepare, mistakes will always happen. And that’s great! Mistakes are a wonderful way to measure your progress and potential. Watercolor is a tough medium to tackle, and the more mistakes you make, the more you’re growing as an artist.
So go ahead and make as many mistakes as you need to. After all, if you’re not having fun with your work, what’s the point?
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